Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Smell of Success...

With the onset of winter in the southern hemisphere stench has become a bit of an issue. With reduced sunlight our house has become significantly more damp, meaning the ugly shoes are a breeding ground for smell, or whatever bacterial thing it is that creates the smell. Last week I made the terrible mistake of wearing them to work, where I became so overpowered by the honk that I went out to buy something to deodorise them before any of my colleagues complained. Instead of going to the chemist or the shoe shop next to it for something proper for doing the job I reverted to the mindset of a teenage boy and bought some Lynx. Despite profuse spraying I failed to allay the odour but I did make the office smell like, and I quote a workmate, a “sixth formers changing room”. Although I think Lynx must have changed its formula since I was at school, as the cloud it creates is no longer quite so caustic to the back of the throat.

So now the ugly shoes live outside and can only be worn for exercise. Which is good for the eyes and noses of folks around me but I miss having the option to walk into work in them, they are very comfortable for the locomotion.

I also have a blue hooded top, which is completely wrecked. There are holes in the sleeves so large that my elbows stick out. This makes it an excellent top for exercise though, and when it’s raining I like to wear it with the hood up and pretend I’m Rocky. Although he clearly had enough self respect to have a hoodie without holes in the elbows. There’s probably not enough space on the intertubes to list all my deficiencies in comparison to Rocky here, so I’ll stop before this turns all Spanish Inquisition. Anyway, my hoodie got wet, with my sweat I think, and I left it in the laundry, which is a damp and musty room itself. Then I wanted to go out for a quick run, so I put it on the radiator to dry it out. Well, what a weird smell that created! It completely stank out the bedroom and I had to do some emergency airing before Rach noticed.

Yes, smell that people, that’s the smell of effort; I’m paying in sweat, and so is everyone else.

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