Friday, February 5, 2010

How Much is Enough?

After the "nearly round in one" incident of last week I was eager to know how far I'd actually nearly run. Rach suggested driving the route as that would be quick and simple, but I hadn't used a website called "Map My Run" and it had been literally days since I was last required to faff around wasting my time registering at yet another website, so I chose the latter. Once registered and armed with a new point of contact for marketeers to hassle me I plunged into the heart of the site - the mapping of runs.

Considering the fact that the website is as ugly as ugg boots and about as easy to navigate as a polite conversation with a bigoted crystal meth addict the actual core of it, the bit where you draw a route onto a map, was relatively easy to use. Of course, it's worth pointing out that I work in a job where using software that's only just at the state of usable is a common experience, I'm used to trying not to hyperventilate when faced with such applications and have resisted throwing machines out of windows hundreds of times. Perhaps others wouldn't have such a generous view of it. In fact, looking back, I now realise it took me about 20 to 30 minutes to map my run, which really isn't quick at all, so you should probably ignore everything you just read. But I just had to know how far it was, what epic distances I had crossed, as if a giant in seven league boots, as if bounding from continent to continent like a huge mega-sized gazelle wearing breathing apparatus because it's head would be outside the usable atmosphere, or just a normal sized one on an undersized globe.

Mapping accomplished I observed the stats... Drum roll please... get on with it... 2.78 kilometers! What?! I checked the route, I checked the start and end point, I considered moving the start and end points but figured I was only cheating myself. My route was perfect and it was only 2.78 kilometers. Gutted doesn't even describe it. I really wanted it to be more like 4 (run further then Jon!) but it was less than 3. This means two things:

1. In the past, when I have walked this route, I am clearly dawdling.
2. My next goal is a 4km route,

Yep, at 4km I'll be running a whole 10% of a marathon.

And they say I have no ambition!

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