On the final uphill stretch I was seriously fading though, I expect I looked like a typical amateur jogger at that point - barely moving forward, looking like a heart attack about to happen. I doubt I would have made it if it weren't for the fact that I saw a cat sat on the other side of the road, looking at me. This cat looked very much like my first cat, Mitzy, so I pretended that this moggie was her ghost and had manifested to inspire me.
The feline phantasm self trickery worked a treat and I highly recommend it. If I had stopped it would have been easy to imagine the cat looking at me with disappointment and disdain in its eyes - cats have just the right look to carry this off perfectly.
If any running coaches read this and decide to use cats in their training regime then you are free to do so, no fee is payable. However, I would like some credit when your aspiring athlete wins gold.
n.b. As previously stated, the cat is blessed with a face of disdain that makes it a great motivator. Coaches wishing to invoke the spirits of other animals are advised to steer clear of dogs (too much sympathy) and lemurs (just look surprised at success or failure), but owls and tortoises might well work. Let me know how you get on...